NYEPI - Balinese New Year
Nyepi is a Balinese "Day of Silence" that is commemorated every Isakawarsa (Saka new year) according to the Balinese calendar (in 2017, it falls on March 28). It is a Hindu celebration mainly celebrated in Bali, Indonesia. Nyepi, a public holiday in Indonesia, is a day of silence, fasting and meditation for the Balinese. The day following Nyepi is also celebrated as New Year's Day
Nyepi is derived from the word Sepi (silent). Nyepi is actually a celebration of the Hindu New Year calendars (Caka calendar ). Unlike the usual new year celebration, Saka New Year in Bali begins with seclusion. There are no activities as usual. All activities are eliminated, including public services, such as the International Airport was closed, but not to the hospital.
The main purpose of Nyepi is pray to God, to purify Bhuana Alit (human nature / microcosmos) and Bhuana Agung (the universe / macrocosmos). Before Nyepi, there are several series of ceremonies which Hindus, particularly in the area of Bali.
Picture of Melasti ceremony source garudamagazine
Three or two days before Nyepi, the Hindu people do sanctification by performing Melasti ceremony also called Melis / Mekiyis. On that day, all the means praying in the temple (shrine) paraded to the beach or lake, because the sea or lake is the source of holy water (Tirta Amrita) and can purify all leteh (profane/impure) in human and nature.
Picture of Tawur Kesanga source badungkab.go.id
The day before Nyepi, namely the Tilem Sasih Kesanga (9th New Moon), Hindu ceremonies Butha Yadnya, by taking any one of the types caru (sort offerings).

Picture of pengerupukan
The day before Nyepi, namely the Tilem Sasih Kesanga (9th New Moon), Hindu ceremonies Butha Yadnya, by taking any one of the types caru (sort offerings).

Picture of pengerupukan
Mecaru followed by pengerupukan ceremony, surround the house and all over yard with carrying
a torch, and hitting any objects (kulkul,canned) to make a noisy sound. This stage is done to drive the Butha Kala from neighborhood houses, yards, and the surrounding environment.

Picture of Ogoh ogoh parade
Particularly in Bali, pengrupukan usually celebrated with a Ogoh-Ogoh parade. Ogoh-ogoh embodying Butha Kala who paraded around the neighborhood, and then burned.
Nyepi - The day

a torch, and hitting any objects (kulkul,canned) to make a noisy sound. This stage is done to drive the Butha Kala from neighborhood houses, yards, and the surrounding environment.

Picture of Ogoh ogoh parade
Nyepi - The day

The next day, in first day of Sasih Kedasa (day 1st of 10th month), comes the real Nyepi Day. On this day the atmosphere as dead. No flurry of activity as usual. On this day Hindus implement "Catur Brata Penyepian " comprising :
1. Amati Gni (don't turn on the fire or light ~ control the rage and greed)
2. Amati Karya (not working),
3. Amati Lelungaan (not traveling),
4. Amati Lelanguan (dont make a noise - no entertainment).
Ngembak Geni

Picture of Dharma Santhi source klungkungkab.go.id
The last series of the Saka New Year celebration is a day that falls on the Ngembak Gni second day of sasih kedasa (day 2nd 10th month). On this day the Saka New Year entering the second day. Hindus perform Dharma Shanti with a large family and neighbors, gave thanks and forgive each other (ksama). Live in harmony and peace.

Picture of Dharma Santhi source klungkungkab.go.id
The last series of the Saka New Year celebration is a day that falls on the Ngembak Gni second day of sasih kedasa (day 2nd 10th month). On this day the Saka New Year entering the second day. Hindus perform Dharma Shanti with a large family and neighbors, gave thanks and forgive each other (ksama). Live in harmony and peace.
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