Nusa Penida is an island in the southeastern of the Island of Bali and is included in the Klungkung Regency. There are two small islands nearby - Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan. Of the three islands, Nusa Penida who has the largest area among Ceningan and Nusa Lembongan. Even when compared, Nusa Penida has a size of more than 10-fold Nusa Lembongan.The island can be reached by motorboat or sampan with a sail. Nusa Penida tour can be done in one or two days on a motorbike. Start from Toyapakeh and drive east to Sampalan. Sampalan is Nusa Penida's capital. Nusa Penida (±414 square km) lies southeast of Bali. The adjacent islands of Lembongan and Ceningan are part of the district of Nusa Penida.
This district consists of 13 villages:
1. Batununggul
2. Kutampi
3. Ped
4. Suana
5. Tanglad
6. Sekartaji
7. Batukandik
8. Batumadeg
9. Klumpu
10. Sakti
Penida counts 49,102 people (based on statistics of 1971 from Nusa Penida
district head). The majority of inhabitants of Nusa Penida are Hindu Dharma
followers, the largest religion in 12 villages, with the exception of
Toyopakeh, whose inhabitants are Mohammedans; they worship in a holy building
called mosque, whereas in every other village there are holy buildings called
Penida consists of three major islands, Nusa Gede, Ceningan and Nusa
Lembongan.For the last few years Nusa Penida started much visited by local and
foreign tourists.
There are so many beautiful places, unique, and stunning. Here is a list of 17 best travel sites in Nusa Penida:
Crystal Bay or used to be known Turkish Penida offers impressive views and a beautiful panorama. Surrounded by two headlands and a small hill on the high seas, the local people call it the Stone Jineng.
Crystal Bay became the most favorite place for many visitors as a tourist destination.
For those of you who like twilight, this place really recommended because the beach facing west, so you can watch the sunset (Sunset Nusa Penida).
Not only that, in the Crystal Bay you can also do activities such as diving, snorkeling, swimming, sunbathing, playing beach ball.
2. Pantai Atuh (Atuh Beach)
Hidden beach is surrounded by high cliffs are stunning and the broad white sand. On the east coast, there are some hills which makes panoramic views of the highest cliff. The hill called Padasan hill that has some great place for fishing and camping. You can trek, swimming, snorkeling a coral reef exotic and colorful splashes of fish, sunbathe, play in the sand, camping, and more.
Location: Batununggul Village
Pasih Uug it has its own uniqueness. You can see the hole in the middle of the cliff and a translucent tunnel with sea water into the hole, so that the water is like being caught in the tunnel. It's circular shape with high cliffs surrounding it. If you come here during the rainy season, when the grass began to flourish, then the surrounding landscape will look green.But if you get there on the summer then you will see arid but still charming. If you're lucky, you'll see manta fish gathered around the surface of this cliff. Pasih Uug is adjacent to Angel's Billabong.
Location: BungaMekar Village
Goa Giri Putri is unique because of its location not visible to the eye on flat ground, but hidden in a cave. Caves in Bali is usually used as a religious rituals locations. Like Pura Goa GiriPutri Nusa Penida contained a sacred temple in it. Goa GiriPutri is one of the largest cave in Nusa Penida.
Located at an altitude of 150 meters above sea level and a length of about 310 meters, In addition to the people who want to do the prayer, tourists who come either domestic or overseas mostly want to know more about religious rituals were performed and sacred atmosphere in the cave.
Pura Goa GiriPutri is derived from the word "giri" which means hill or mountain, and the word "princess" meaning woman. In the Hindu religion, the daughter is a symbolic form of the power of gods. Because the holy cave shrine of Shiva is a form of manifestation of the goddess who is caring for, protecting and loving human being, hence the name pinned to name Goa GiriPutri.
Part of the cave has a very interesting characteristic such as bats, stalagmites and stalactites. One place offerings there in the front of the cave and three places offerings on the inside of the cave. On the inside of the cave found the flow of water is believed to be holy water.
Nusa Penida has a variety of uniqueness. Not only the unique natural and cultural resources, but also of the temple that is in these islands.As its known, Nusa Penida has its own Sad Kahyangan Temple. But of the many temples that exist, the most unique look at Pura Paluang is the temples shaped car.The unique temples was placed over a rectangular stage, complete with carvings on the sides with vehicles number plates.If you are visit or entering the temple area you should use a Balinese traditional clothes
Billabong words taken from English means "the end of a dead-end river".This place is the end of the estuary of a river on the Nusa Penida Island which empties into the river water before they reach the sea. At the estuary of this river, the water surface is very calm and clear.There are also overdrafts naturally formed pool, is very beautiful and pretty and it might not be found somewhere else. By distinctively artistic and yellow green rocks will add exoticism of this Angel's Billabong. This place is next the PasihUug. Visitors can swim and relax but is not recommended when a huge wave swept away..
Location: Bunga Mekar Village
7. Tembeling Water Spring
Mata Air Tembeling (Tembeling Water Spring) is located in the middle of the forest. You need about 60 minutes walk to get to the center of the water spring which is also known as a Tembeling Water Spring by local people. To reaching this place, you must have extra power to walk.
According to the local residents, Tembeling Water Spring was accidentally discovered by a pregnant women. At that moment, she was chasing the cow that ran in forests and accidentally she discovered a spring of clear water .
Formerly, the spring water was once used as a water source by the residents. However, now it has been changed into a hidden tourist spots in Nusa Penida. Since the discovery of the springs by pregnant women (in balinese language pregnant = beling), the spring called Tembeling Water Spring.
For the people of Nusa Penida, this location is not just the usual location. But also often used as a ritual place and religious ceremony. It is not easy to reach location of the Tembeling Spring. The road terrain is slippery and steep. One thing that should not be violated is a large pond only be used by men . While a small pond that is located close to the beach may be used by women.
The beach that adjacent to the Tembeling Water Spring has a wonderful clean white sand with brownish white small rocks.
Tembeling Water Spring is indeed a nature reserve that is deliberately preserved. Besides used as a place of rituals and taking holy water for religious rites, springs Tembeling also a source of drinking water for animals such as monkeys and Starling Bali birds.
Tembeling Water Springs are located in the BatuMadeg Village.
Guyangan water spring is projected to drain water to eight villages in the village of Nusa Penida: Kutampi, Batu Kandik, Sekar Taji, Batu Madeg, Tanglad, Pejukutan, Klumpu, and Bunga Mekar. The journey from the entrance to the spring Guyangan past the iron ladder stairs that already fragile .But you will see the beautiful scenery after passing it all.
Suwehan beach is located at the southeastern tip of Nusa Penida in Dusun Watas, Tanglad. You have to walk approximately 300 meters with a narrow, downhill and steep to get there. Along the way, you'll see the source of fresh water springs that is important for local residents to meet the needs of the day - a day in the dry season. The fountain is also very clear and fresh.
The name of the hill Teletubbies given spontaneously by the tourists who come to visit, because of its location resemblance to the residence of the Teletubbies on television. The best time to visit Mount Teletubbies Nusa Penida during morning and afternoon, because during the day definitely hot and here there is no shelter from the scorching sun. From the height of the Teletubbies hill you can see the view of the house - the community of Nusa Penida looks small from above, and of course it is also the enchanting natural scenery of Nusa Penida. Teletubbies hill located in Banjar Anta, Tanglad .
Kelingking Beach, Nusa Penida Southeast of Bali, there is an island that is still largely untouched by tourism. With limited infrastructure and not many tourist sight, . Therefore it is a great place to escape the crowds and relax. Whether it’ s while trekking in the beautiful hills of the island, staring at the limestone cliffs dropping off into the sea or diving in one of the sites.
Andus coast of Nusa Penida is often called smokey beach because of the big waves that hit the cliff that resembles smoke. By waiting a few moments the waves will hit the high cliffs and crashing approximately 10 meters heights.
This beach have a perforated limestone cliff in the middle of the ocean with green trees growing on it is commonly called Banah Cliffs. The beach is located in Banjar Salak, Batumadeg Village
Jembatan Kuning (Yellow Bridges) is suspension bridge that using steel ropes linking the island of Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan. As the name suggests, the bridge is yellow, along 100 meters and width of 1.5 meters looks unique and interesting, can only be crossed by motorcycle.
Gala gala is a man-made cave also known as Gala gala underground house. Its take 5 minutes from gala-gala to yellow bridge.The house was built in 1961 (15 years periode to build) by a puppeteer named Mangku Vyasa. He is a farmers also an ascetic, at the time he using conventional means, such as a crowbar, using a lot of burned cow dung to ease the limestone quarrying. You will find about 7 meters deep aisle below the ground surface after you down the stairs about 2 meters.
When you down the halls there are a number of rooms with different functions, such as: a place of meditation, bedroom, living room, kitchen and also the well.
Location: Lembongan, Nusa Penida
Seganing Waterfall often called Sebuluh Waterfall. The road to Seganing Waterfall so extreme. You had to go down a very steep ravine, only a fence made of wood tied and plugged. We must pass through the gorge very carefully. If it rains, the location will be more dangerous, it is advisable to visit Seganing Waterfall in a sunny day.
Location: Dusun Sebuluh, Nusa Penida
Thousand Islands is near of Atuh Beach. This place have a very beautiful spot, there are small islands in the seascape.There are a tree house so you can see the view from a higher place.
Location: Banjar Pelilit, Nusa Penida.
Nusa Penida Map
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